Parent Comments

“Thank you so much for all your help this school year. This has been my child’s best school year yet!”-Parent (Lauren)

“I am glad my child enjoys coming and learning with her tutor”-Parent

” Thank you for all your help. Our daughter’s confidence now in school is so high. The teachers all agree not only has her reading and writing improved but her confidence in herself has increased so much. She loved her tutor and everyone at the center were so nice and helpful. I think our daughter is going to miss coming to the center a little. Thank you all for everything you did for our daughter. All of her future successes will be partially because of your help.” – Parent

“It has been such a good experience attending. Thank you for everything.”- Parent (Allison)

“Just amazing!” Highly recommend this place. We’ve made dyslexia awareness as a family and will continue to do so in the future. Teachers and the systems in place are so effective.”-Parent (Robert)

“The Dyslexia Center has helped my child in many ways. My child can read and write with confidence. Thank you so much for making this center available.” -Parent (Crystal)

“The staff has been great! My son has become much more confident and doesn’t hate reading out loud like he used to!”-Parent

My child has improved in not only her schoolwork, but also her confidence has greatly improved. She no longer has to spend hours memorizing different things.”-Parent (Chad)

“We are so thankful for all the confidence and experience our child has expressed in his schoolwork.”-Parent (Jesus)

“We are incredibly thankful for our experience with the CDC. We are received support and care for learning differences that other people don’t understand- and being understood makes a massive difference in the world of a dyslexic person. I truly wish that there was a CDC in every town with tutors for every child and adult in need. The work that is done in this place is deeply important and needs to continue. We are praying for donors to come through and double or triple your resources. We believe in the work that is being done- and we are extremly grateful for everything you have done for us. We love the CDC of collinsville.” – Parent (Zuzu’s Family)

“I cant recommend the center enough. My daughter is confident in her school work, reading in front of everyone , and  the last school year on honor roll every quarter.” -Parent (Melissa)

“My child thinks that someone else is going to have to point out if he is better at reading or not. He feels it has helped him with writing more than reading. Although, I feel it has made him more confident.” – Parent (Laura)

“Small concern with number of canceled sessions by tutor”- Parent

“Having support and belief behind my child aside from my husband and myself has made a huge difference in my child. The clear and consistent understanding, empathy and the care is encouraging in a way that doesn’t exist in very many  places in the world. I believe that if more systems and organizations operated with the same conviction and care for others the world would be a better place . What I hope for the future of the center is more tutors, funding, and the ability to serve more children.” -Parent

“We have seen major progress in my child’s reading, even her teachers have commented how well she is doing. They said she is more confident, her reading has improved so much this year.” – Parents (Sandy and Nicolas)

“My Child is more willing and less hesitant to attempt to read. She also needs less help when completing writing assignments as she is more confident in her spelling!” -Parent

“We’ve had all wonderful experiences at the center. My child Is reading out loud in class with confidence. She is volunteering more in school. She looks forward to going to her tutoring sessions.” – Parent

“My son has really made a lot of progress this year. I have spoke to his teachers and they have seen a huge difference in my son. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”-Parent (Crystal)

“Our child will be in a regular English’s class next year and that would not have been possible with out the Children’s Dyslexia Center” -Parent

“We have had the best tutors at this center between my son and daughter. I am super grateful for the opportunity to send both of my children here.” – Parent (Tisha)

“We were walking through an airport and my son said that things are so much easier now that he can read. We had his IEP Meeting, and he is reading at grade level for the first time ever!” -Parent

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